Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fête des lumières

Another reason I was so excited about going to France over break was because of the Festival of Lights in Lyon.

This is my favorite picture from the festival. it is a movie being projected into the mist of a fountain.

Hope you enjoyed my photos. Please leave comments, or suggestions of photos you want to see posted as well as ideas for photos I can take. Thank You.

Lyon, France

I also went to Lyon France where I wondered around the park across from the hotel and took some of these pictures.

These images were taken inside the basilica which overlooks Lyon.

A photo from the ferris wheel, overlooking Lyon

Hope you enjoyed my photos. Please leave comments, or suggestions of photos you want to see posted as well as ideas for photos I can take. Thank You.

December in Paris

 Over winter break I went to France with my mom. Here are some of the photos I took in Paris.

The Eiffel Tower in the snow, which I guess is a rare sight.

Hope you enjoyed my photos. Please leave comments, or suggestions of photos you want to see posted as well as ideas for photos I can take. Thank You.