Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bewitched Fashion, The Series

     I did it! I survived my fashion photography class. For the final we had to do a six image series. The idea has been in my head for a while but I had to find the opportunity, the models , and the location (which fell into my lap). I shoot my final with four lovely models who I went to Italy with. The location was the creepy basement of my friend/model Alex...she has a crematorium in her basement (creepy=PERFECT!) Here are the seven images I chose (I did one extra picture so tell the story)
     You have to understand this shoot is completely different than the usual in studio I go for. Im usually about the simple clean image, but I really wanted to challenge myself, which I did in more than one way.
This is one of the rooms where I shot...I got over my fear of spiders during this shoot!

Crematorium room with a tea party

Beautiful model Devin played the innocent tea party guest 

Gorgeous models Alex, Emily H., and Emily B. played the creepy tea party guests, Alex was the host it was her basement so I thought it was a good fit!

This is my favorite image!

Hope you enjoyed my photos. I am always available for any professional photography for any occasion, and photos are also available for purchase. Please leave comments and suggestions. Thank you for you continuous support. -Deanna C. Sakal