Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Moving towards Professional!

     I have been trying to get my professional photography up and running and I was recently asked to take some engagement pictures for a couple friends, Emily (my roommate in Italy) and Kenneth. Here are just a few shots.  As always I ask to spread the word that I am always available to do any type of photography, my professional website is

Hope you enjoyed my photos. I am always available for any professional photography for any occasion, and photos are also available for purchase. Please leave comments and suggestions. Thank you for you continuous support. -Deanna C. Sakal

It's all about the Texture

     So I have returned from Italy and dived back into my photography classes at Ohio University.  The class I am taking this quarter is Fashion Photography! Here are some photos from my first assignment "texture".  It had to be black and white and show texture through shadows.  Enjoy!

Thank you to my fantastic model Becca Romano! I put in one color photo for fun!

This is the photo I turned in for my assignment.

Hope you enjoyed my photos. Please leave comments, or suggestions of photos you want to see posted as well as ideas for photos I can take. Thank You.